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Ramu Rubber Garden Beauty Of Cox’sBazar
This garden is situated on a hill and meadow at the same time 18 kilometers far from Cox’s Bazar town Ramu Rubber Garden has spread in Ramu Upazila Large-scale rubber cultivation on virgin soil was started in Ramu around 1960-61 backed by the Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation after suitable soils were identified through intensive research work. The garden covers 1090 hectares and is an area of impressive natural beauty, with many small and larger hillsides as well as flat terrain.
The garden originally had 58000 rubber trees under production, and now has over about 140000.A rubber tree itself can secrete latex for any where between 20-25 years, and around a period of (32-33)years they cease to be productive it terms economic sense. Collectively these trees yield about 250,000 kilograms of raw rubber every year.
Shihadul Islam
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RBS Property
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